3 Simple Ways to Start Twitter Growth Hacking for Your Brand

Twitter Growth Hacking

Mastering Twitter growth hacking is crucial for businesses to build awareness, engage customers, and generate leads. This guide focuses on 3 incredibly simple yet powerful strategies to start your Twitter growth hacking efforts.

Automate Relevant Content Sharing 

One of the most effective ways to attract and engage followers is by sharing timely, relevant content on a consistent basis. However, manually curating and posting can be time-consuming. Leveraging tools like IFTTT and Feedly allows you to automate content discovery and scheduling.

IFTTT (If This Then That) is a service that connects different applications using simple triggers and actions. This enables automation workflows between services. 


Feedly is a news aggregator that allows following topic-based categories from thousands of publications. By following categories aligned with your business and target audiences, Feedly surfaces relevant articles and posts.

  • Connecting IFTTT and Feedly 

IFTTT has an applet that allows pushing new Feedly category items to Buffer for scheduling. Setting this up is simple - just select the relevant Feedly category, choose Buffer as the "that" service, and IFTTT takes care of the rest. 

New articles fitting your categories will automatically be discovered by Feedly and sent to Buffer on a daily basis for tweeting at optimal times throughout the day. This provides a steady stream of engaging content with zero manual effort.

Leverage Automated Following

Growing your follower count is crucial but manually following accounts can be tedious. Automation tools like Twitter Follower Pro help scale this process while remaining strategic. 

  • Twitter Follower Pro

This tool allows selectively following Twitter accounts that match certain criteria, like having a specific keyword or hashtag in their profile. Advanced settings control the daily follow count to avoid appearing spammy.

  • Ethical Use

While automation speeds up the process, it's important to use these tools judiciously. Piggybacking off others' followers or constant unfollowing/refollowing violates Twitter guidelines. 

The goal is engaging quality accounts in your industry, not random profiles. Test different criteria and monitor engagement rates to refine your strategy over time.

Twitter Growth Hacking

Leverage Direct Messaging

Direct messages (DMs) enable personally connecting with followers at scale. Tools like Crowdfire provide bulk direct messaging capabilities while avoiding a robotic tone.

  • Crowdfire 

This all-in-one social media tool supports bulk direct messaging new followers with personalized invites. Messages can promote your latest blog post or offer helpful resources.

  • Personalized Tone 

Generic promotional copy will likely be ignored or cause annoyance. Craft messages as a friendly introduction mentioning why the recipient may find your account useful without hard selling. 

Respond promptly to any replies to build trust and remain helpful rather than pushy. Avoid fully automating DMs if you can't keep up with responses manually.

Twitter Growth Hacking

Additional Tactics

While the above strategies provide a strong starting point, additional tactics continue steadily growing your engaged Twitter audience.

  • Consistent Hashtag Use

Tracking relevant industry hashtags allows leveraging viral discussions and discovery by new users. Participate meaningfully rather than just self-promoting. 

  • Curated Twitter Moments

Twitter Moments allow compiling a series of related Tweets into a visual story. Craft moments highlighting top discussions, announcements or products/services of interest to your followers.

  • Twitter Card Optimization 

Leverage Twitter cards to improve click-through when others share your links. Configure open graph metadata and images calling out key details to entice clicks from tweets. 

  • Monitor Engagement Metrics

Analytics tools like TweetDeck or Twitter Analytics provide visibility into top performing content types, hashtags and times for future reference. Test different strategies and refine over time based on measurable results.

Twitter Growth Hacking

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While growth hacking holds promise, risks exist if not carefully managed. Avoid these potential pitfalls.

- Oversaturation. Limit scheduled tweets to avoid annoying followers used to a steady stream at optimal intervals throughout the day. 

- Lack of Response. Don't bombard DMs if unable to promptly answer direct queries, which damages trust in your brand. 

- Spammy Signals. Constantly following/unfollowing in bulk or replying to unrelated discussions marks your profile as spammy. 

- Unclear Value. Promote yourself judiciously, focusing on useful educational content over pure self-promotion maintaining engagement.

- Unsustainable Pace. Automate smartly but still monitor results manually to refine strategies staying within Twitter’s guidelines avoiding account suspensions.  

Common Questions

How do I gauge success of growth hacking strategies?

Track measurable metrics like follower count increases, engagement rates, link clicks and conversion actions over time. Google Analytics also shows traffic sources to optimize strategies.

What content performs best for growth hacking? 

Share timely, helpful articles and media focused on addressing your audience's challenges or needs rather than blatant sales pitches. Curated moments highlighting top discussions also work well. 

How often should I tweet for optimal growth?

5-7 tweets daily spaced 3 hours apart provides a steady stream without oversaturation annoyance. Monitor engagement rates testing different intervals and cadences for your industry/audience.

I hope this in-depth guide on simple yet powerful Twitter growth hacking strategies provides a solid starting point for smarter automation and scaling your brand on the platform. Testing different angles will help refine your approach over time based on measurable results. Let me know if any part requires further explanation or expansion.


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