B2B Video Marketing: The Complete Guide for Optimizing Your Strategy in 2023

 B2B Video Marketing: The Complete Guide for Optimizing Your Strategy in 2023


While traditional marketing remains important, B2B buyers now begin their journey online. Video has become a core part of the customer experience, with people watching over 17 hours weekly. As the consumption of online video skyrockets, video marketing presents a huge opportunity for B2B businesses to cut through noise and connect with prospects. 

This comprehensive guide will explore how to craft and leverage impactful B2B videos across the buyer's journey. Whether you're just starting out or optimizing an existing strategy, follow these best practices to engage prospects and drive meaningful business outcomes.

What is B2B Video Marketing?

B2B video marketing involves creating and sharing videos through owned and paid channels to attract new prospects and nurture leads. The goal is to position your business as a thought leader and build trust + rapport with buyers. 

Effective B2B video marketing consists of:

- Strategic planning to identify goals  

- Storytelling in an authentic, customer-centric way

- High production value that respects viewers' time

- Sharing videos where buyers consume content

- Tracking results to improve continuously

Why Use B2B Video Marketing?

With video consumption rising, failing to incorporate video risks missing opportunities for engagement and lead generation. Research shows that video:

- Increases understanding vs text alone. It conveys information in an intuitive way.

- Boosts recall rates. People remember messages and brands better from video content. 

- Drives engagement. Video engages people more deeply than other formats.

- Builds credibility. Quality video production bolsters your brand's perceived expertise.

- Supports different learning styles. Not everyone prefers reading walls of text. 

- Enhances SEO. Videos perform well in search and social media algorithms.

Well-executed B2B video marketing achieves your goals while providing an exceptional experience for prospects. Integrate these best practices to maximize success.

B2B Video Marketing: The Complete Guide for Optimizing Your Strategy in 2023

Creating a Strategic B2B Video Marketing Plan

Before developing content, outline your video marketing strategy. Define goals, identify target buyers, and research factors like:

  • Goals and KPIs

Start by setting growth-oriented goals like lead volume or revenue. KPIs ensure goals are measurable, such as views, engagement, shares or conversion rates.

  • Target Personas 

Which types of B2B buyers would benefit most? Segment buyers based on traits like company size, challenges, and buying stage. 

  • Buyer Personas 

Develop profiles of ideal customers to inform creation of ultra-targeted videos. Personas drive content, messaging and channel choices.

  • Competitive Analysis  

Evaluate competitors' successful approaches to find gaps or replicate what works. Identify top trends across the industry.

  • Digital Consumption Preferences

Research where your buyers spend time online for optimal reach. Consider popular channels like LinkedIn, YouTube or your website.

  • Budget

Determine available budget annually and allocate funds across production, promotion and ongoing optimization. Outsource for best results. 

  • Reporting Strategy

Implement transparent tracking of KPIs to evaluate effectiveness and optimize continuously. 

Review this strategic plan regularly and adjust based on changing buyer and market dynamics. With this foundation, you're ready to excel at crafting engaging B2B video content.

B2B Video Marketing: The Complete Guide for Optimizing Your Strategy in 2023

Crafting Compelling B2B Video Content

With personas and goals in mind, focus on developing inherently shareable, highly relevant content using tried-and-true formats. Prioritize quality over quantity.

  • Presentation Videos

Clearly introduce your brand, products, services and value propositions in a visually stimulating way. Use presentation videos on your homepage too. 

  • Explainer Videos

Simplify complex concepts through explainer videos. Bring new products, features or services to life via easy-to-follow, entertaining animations.

  • Whiteboard Videos  

Explain complicated processes with an expert drawing diagrams Step-by-step teaches while keeping viewers engaged. 

  • Customer Case Studies

Highlight real customer successes with their permission. Testimonials boost social proof, demonstrating your solutions in action.

  • Industry Roundups 

Provide insights on industry news, trends and examples through engaging discussion-style formats. Advance as a thought leader.

  • Video Courses

Curate educational content into visually rich, on-demand courses. Develop expertise and generate qualified leads interested in your programs.

Once content is finalized, production is the next step to professional quality broadcasts attracting audiences and the right buyers.

B2B Video Marketing: The Complete Guide for Optimizing Your Strategy in 2023

Video Production Best Practices

While you can create video content internally, having professionals handle production ensures consistency and maximum impact. Here are best practices for production:

  • Use High Definition  

HD resolution keeps videos looking modern and professional across all devices. 

  • Professional Lighting/Audio

Properly lit spaces and high-quality microphones elevate production value significantly for a polished look and sound.  

  • Create for All Platforms

Design videos first for social sharing with aspect ratios like 16:9 that can be repurposed across owned channels too.

  • Include Transcripts

Provide captions or transcripts with videos to reach more people and boost SEO through additional keywords.

  • ROI Driven Approach  

Balance quality with practical budgets by strategizing what's needed to maximizing returns. Outsource heavy lifting.

  • Track As Needed Metrics

Watermark videos internally or use tracking links to gauge SEO, social and website performance continuously.  

Leverage a proven video production partner who handles equipment, software, production expertise and editing. Free your time for higher-level marketing tasks. Their experience delivers results.

Promoting B2B Video Marketing Content

Regardless of quality, videos go unseen without promotion. Share content strategically across owned and paid channels proven to reach target personas.

  • Website + Blog

Feature videos prominently on your homepage and relevant internal pages. Include links, playlists and calls-to-action.

  • Email Marketing

Promote new videos in emails focused around topics related to content. Drive traffic back to owned sites.

  • Social Media

Create visual teaser posts and optimize profiles. Schedule videos across Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, etc. 

  • Paid Media  

Boost shares, comments and links with targeted Facebook/LinkedIn ads or YouTube ads driving traffic.  

  • PR + Influencer Outreach

Engage journalists and influencers to explore profiling your brand or featuring it on popular industry blogs. 

  • Conferences + Events 

Share slides, presentations and other event content recap videos to those who missed offline experiences. 

Consistency sustains momentum. Promote each video periodically with compelling captions calling readers to action across owned and community channels.

B2B Video Marketing: The Complete Guide for Optimizing Your Strategy in 2023

Measuring B2B Video Marketing Success  

With analytics in place, review performance benchmarks to monitor progress, identify opportunities and maximize ROI potential. Major metrics include:

- Views - Track view count progression over time. Goal is ongoing increases.

- Watch Time - Ensure viewers watch for long durations indicating deep engagement. 

- Social Shares - Highlight popularity through shares on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

- CTR (Clickthrough Rate) - Track CTA click rates from social posts/ads to owned site. 

- Lead Volume - Directly measure new leads generated through video content.  

- Conversions - Attribute video marketing to deals closed, products purchased, etc.

- Benchmarking - Compare stats to prior months and set new targets based on growth. 

- Qualitative Feedback - Gauge opinions on content helpfulness through surveys, reviews.

Video marketing optimization requires constant testing, analyzing and adapting content based on what performs best. Maintain KPI tracking for continuous improvement.

Outsourcing B2B Video Marketing for Success

Final advice: Consider partnering with an experienced agency. In-house teams lack dedicated video production capabilities and marketing expertise required for maximum results. Savvy agencies:

- Develop bespoke strategies tailored to B2B buyer personas and goals. 

- Handle equipment/software needs for professional shoots and development.

- Produce continuous, optimized video content on deadline flawlessly.  

Implement comprehensive multi-channel promotion campaigns.

- Provide analytics reports and improve long-term performance.

- Free your team for higher-level initiatives while maximizing measurable ROI through expert video marketing support.

Let Fintech24h Develop Your Video Strategy

Schedule a call with our team of B2B video marketing strategists to explore bespoke solutions taking your video presence to the next level. Our solutions are proven to accelerate growth through targeted, high-impact video creation and promotion tailored perfectly for your buyers.


In conclusion, B2B video marketing is a highly effective way to build relationships with buyers and influence their purchasing decisions when done strategically. The opportunities video offers for connecting with prospects on a personal level and driving meaningful outcomes make investing in a quality B2B video marketing strategy well worth it. 

By following industry-proven best practices for planning, content creation, promotion and analytics, B2B businesses can optimize engagement with their target audiences while achieving tangible business goals. Factor in emerging trends and buyer preferences to continuously enhance the customer experience as part of an adaptive video approach. With dedicated video capabilities, agencies empower marketers to focus on higher priorities while benefiting from professional services. Overall, prioritizing video creates a compelling brand story engaging prospects across all stages of the buyer journey.


Here are some frequently asked questions about B2B video marketing:

1. What is the average watch time for B2B videos?\

- According to most recent data, the average watch time for B2B videos ranges between 2-4 minutes. Videos in the 2-3 minute range often see the highest completion rates.

2. How many videos should a B2B brand post per month? 

- There's no definitive answer as it depends on goals and resources. In general, starting with 2-4 videos per month provides regular fresh content without overwhelming audiences. Over time, you can test increasing frequency.

3. What video formats are most popular for B2B?

- Common high-performing formats include explainer videos, case studies/testimonials, how-to/tutorial style content and interviews/roundtables featuring industry experts. Whiteboard and animated explainer videos also prove engaging.

4. How should B2B videos be promoted across channels?

- Top channels include your website/blog, LinkedIn, YouTube and company social profiles. Strategically promote new videos through targeted social ads, email campaigns and industry outreach to influencers and media. 

5. What are some key B2B video marketing metrics to track?

- Key metrics are views, watch time, shares/links, lead volume, conversions and ROI analysis. Tracking engagement KPIs helps assess content performance while analytical metrics show tangible business impact.

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