Should You Work With an Influencer Marketing Agency?

Should You Work With an Influencer Marketing Agency?


Influencer marketing has grown rapidly in popularity in recent years. More and more brands are starting to recognize its effectiveness and utilize influencer campaigns to connect with customers. However, when first starting out, brands often face challenges related to properly executing these campaigns. One of the key decisions they need to make is whether to manage influencer programs internally or partner with an influencer marketing agency. 

In this article, we will examine the key advantages that working with an agency can provide, supported by real examples and insights from leading agencies in the market.

Key Benefits of Partnering With an Agency

  • Save Time and Money in Influencer Scouting 

Properly identifying suitable influencers that align with campaign objectives can be extremely time-consuming, especially for brands without prior experience in this space. Agencies, on the other hand, have dedicated teams who do this daily. Their extensive research and databases allow for influencers to be sourced quickly and efficiently. 

A Launch Metrics survey found that 75% of marketers saw influencer identification as the biggest challenge. By outsourcing this to experts, brands can avoid wasting resources on trial-and-error learning.

  • Access Expert Guidance 

While influencer marketing principles remain constant, best practices do evolve over time. Compared to brands dabbling occasionally, agencies focus exclusively on staying on top of new trends and innovations. Their specialized knowledge helps guide strategic choices and campaign execution every step of the way.

Consultants at agencies also understand nuances in different influencer types and content styles. They can recommend the right influencers according to a brand's specific interests, follow demographics, etc. This level of tailored recommendation would be difficult for a non-expert to provide.

  • Build Relationships at Scale

Strong, ongoing relationships are important in influencer marketing for maximum campaign efficiency and organic growth opportunities. Agencies leverage existing connections to find influencer fits quickly. They also develop a deeper understanding of both influencers and clients to facilitate partnership.

Brands themselves would struggle to network with and manage relationships across hundreds or thousands of influencers spanning various genres. Agencies take care of these behind-the-scenes tasks, freeing brands up to focus on their core business.

  • Access High-Quality Creative Assets

In-house teams at agencies include talented creators like copywriters, designers and developers. They produce engaging branded content optimized for influencer and user-generated content marketing. 

The creative output from agencies tends to be more refined and audience-focused compared to one-off brand efforts. These assets also carry ongoing value by fueling future influencer promotions or marketing touchpoints long after a campaign ends.

Should You Work With an Influencer Marketing Agency?

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How do I find a suitable agency for my needs?

Do your research - look at case studies and testimonials from existing clients in your industry. Shortlist a few options and have exploratory calls to understand their experience, specializations and working styles. Consider agency size, location, and team expertise relevant to your goals. 

What should an influencer marketing proposal from an agency include?

Key elements to look for include campaign strategy and goals, proposed influencer profiles, content formats, monitoring and reporting plans, timelines and approximate budgets. Good agencies will also seek to understand your business and brand DNA during the proposal stage. 

How do I ensure the agency delivers on their promises?

Have a contract in place clearly laying out deliverables, timelines and payment terms. Establish regular touchpoints for status updates and feedback sessions to course-correct early. Ask for case studies of past similar work. Set unambiguous success metrics and KPIs to evaluate campaign outcomes objectively.


As the influencer marketing industry matures, more brands recognize the strategic advantages of outsourcing execution to specialized agencies. By leveraging their experience, resources and influencer relationships, agencies can deliver highly optimized campaigns efficiently. This allows brands to achieve greater results with fewer internal overheads compared to a typical do-it-yourself approach. With the right partner, influencer programs become a scalable growth channel for businesses of all sizes.

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