The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Crypto Podcasts to Follow in 2023 and Beyond

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 Best Crypto Podcast

With thousands of cryptocurrency podcasts now available, selecting the right ones to follow can feel overwhelming. This comprehensive guide helps you cut through the noise to identify high-quality crypto shows perfectly tailored to your interests and experience level. 

We'll explore the key benefits of podcasting for projects and listeners alike. Then we'll thoroughly analyze 10 top podcasts, examining what makes each one unique and the types of audiences they best serve. 

By the end, you'll have a curated playlist of illuminating shows to keep you informed, educated and entertained about this fast-moving industry throughout 2023 and beyond.

Benefits of Crypto Podcasts

Podcasting has become one of the most powerful marketing and educational tools within cryptocurrency. Some key upsides include:

  • Low Barrier to Entry: Anyone can start a podcast with just a computer, microphone and free/cheap recording software. This empowers projects on any budget.

  • Convenient Consumption: Listen on the go while commuting, exercising, and more. Podcasts are hands-free and require less focus than video. 

  • Build Community & Authority: Develop loyal followings and position yourself as a trusted expert through consistent, high-quality weekly/biweekly episodes. 

  • Offline Distribution: Podcasts reach global audiences through directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and many popular podcast apps.

  • Establish Credibility: Hearing personalities share their authentic voices deepens connections with listeners in a way text-based content can't replicate.

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Top 10 Crypto Podcasts to Follow

With these benefits in mind, here are the industry's leading shows worth your subscription today:

1. TokenMinds Podcast 

As the longest-running crypto agency podcast, TokenMinds dives deep into marketing, development, investment strategies and more. Their experienced insights are invaluable for professionals and beginners alike.

2. Unchained 

Veteran crypto journalist Laura Shin conducts revealing interviews covering policy, economics and technical developments. She asks the questions others don't to get beyond hype. 

3. Stephan Livera Podcast

Passionate Bitcoin maximalist Stephan Livera offers technical analyst-level explanations of BTC topics in easily digestible segments. Great for technical learners.

4. Pomp Podcast 

Venture capitalist Anthony Pompliano brings big-picture macro views and exclusive founders/thought leaders to every inspiring episode about the future of money. 

5. What Bitcoin Did 

Pete Rizzo breaks down complex subjects in about 30 minutes, cutting through misinformation with facts and sources. Focused analysis for time-strapped crypto fans.  

6. Crypto 101 

Friendly yet informative show hosted by crypto experts Bryce and Aaron. Ideal for true beginners to gain basic understanding through explainer-style interviews.

7. Bankless 

An Ethereum-focused show discussing DeFi, DAOs and smart contract innovation through in-depth conversations with builders and investors. 

8. The Flippening 

Comedian Jamie Crawford and economist Parker Lewis tackle weekly industry news with a clever comedic spin. Fun way to stay current.

9. The Daily Gwei 

Everything you need to know about ETH2.0, scaling and Layer 2 in under 20 min from Anthropic's Diederik Opam. Concise and technical.

10. Epicenter 

Veteran hosts periodically have far-reaching dialogue with crypto pioneers and iconoclasts, revisiting Bitcoin's roots while exploring new frontiers.

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Measuring Success 

To determine which podcasts resonate most, track key metrics like downloads, ratings/reviews, social engagement and guest quality/expertise. Evaluate based on your specific learning objectives and personality fit with hosts. 

Browse additional shows in your preferred niche to discover hidden gems, but these 10 reliably provide balanced, well-researched commentary that benefits both novice and experts alike. Happy listening!


1. How long should a crypto podcast episode typically be?

Most crypto podcast episodes range between 30-60 minutes long. However, some shows offer shorter 15-20 minute segments that are ideal for listeners with less free time. The optimal length varies by show format and target audience but generally longer allows for deeper dives into topics. 

2. What recording/editing software do you recommend for starting a podcast? 

Some top free and paid options podasters recommend include Adobe Audition, Audacity, Hindenburg Journalist and Logic Pro. These allow you to record interviews or solo commentary, edit segments together seamlessly and add intro/outro music or sound effects. Most podcast hosts also offer one-click publishing to platforms after your edit.

4. How can I get my crypto podcast discovered? 

A: Submit your show to popular directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or Castbox. Engage actively on social media promoting new episodes. Guest on related shows to cross-promote. Collaborate with crypto influencers in your niche as hosts or guests. Provide quality content consistently to build an audience over time through listening engagement metrics. 

5. What crypto podcasts are best for technical learners?

For those wanting to delve deeper into the code, core concepts and applications behind cryptocurrency, shows like Stephan Livera Podcast, Epicenter and The Daily Gwei offer far more technical explanations compared to general news/interview shows. Bankless also explores technical DeFi topics in depth through builder interviews. 

6. How can I support my favorite crypto podcasts? 

The best ways are through positive ratings/reviews which help new listeners discover shows. You can also donate or become a member through platforms like Patreon. Sharing insightful episodes on social media to your network is also a big help. Some merchandise like apparel, coins or exclusive perks may be available too through their website.

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