WordPress 6.4 to Introduce 100+ Efficiency Enhancements

Intern Full-Stack
WordPress 6.4, WordPress 6.4 features, WordPress 6.4 release date, WordPress 6.4 enhancements, WordPress 6.4 performance improvements, WordPress 6.4 default theme, WordPress optimization


WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems powering millions of websites around the world. As the platform continues to evolve and improve, upcoming version 6.4 promises to bring significant performance enhancements that will optimize the user experience for both site owners and visitors. Scheduled for release on November 7th, 2023, WordPress 6.4 is set to introduce over 100 optimizations across various core areas of the platform.

In this in-depth article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the major enhancements coming in WordPress 6.4 based on official announcements and insider reports. We will analyze each improvement in detail and discuss how they will collectively contribute to a faster and more seamless WordPress experience. Additionally, we will explore what marketers and businesses can do to leverage these optimizations post-release. But first, let's take a quick look at the overall goals of the WordPress 6.4 update.

Goals of WordPress 6.4: 

The overarching aim of WordPress 6.4 is to refine and optimize various performance aspects of the core platform. As the CMS powers a vast range of websites from personal blogs to large corporate sites, speed and efficiency remain top priorities. Some of the key goals of this release include:

- Reducing page load times and improving response speed through optimizations in script loading, image handling, caching etc. 

- Streamlining the user experience for site owners and visitors through enhancements like removing unnecessary page elements.

- Empowering developers and plugin builders with useful new tools and APIs for creating lean, high-performing add-ons and extensions. 

- Future proofing WordPress to operate smoothly on an ever-increasing number of sites while continuing to expand functionality.

- Preparing the platform for upcoming trends like Headless WordPress and PWA integrations through foundational updates.

Let's now examine the major enhancements included in WordPress 6.4 to achieve these goals.


Core Enhancements in WordPress 6.4:

  • Script Loading Optimizations:

One area that WordPress 6.4 significantly targets is frontend script loading. Currently, suboptimal loading of JavaScript files can impact page load times. The update will introduce several best practices like using 'async' and 'defer' attributes on scripts to prevent blocking. It will also allow developers to better control the order in which scripts are enqueued. Overall, these changes are expected to slash loading delays by up to 50% according to performance tests.

  • Enhanced Image Optimization: 

Image files often contribute heavily to page bloat and slowdowns. WordPress 6.4 enhances this aspect with the addition of 'lazy loading' and 'fetchpriority' attributes for easier image integration. Plugin authors can also control auto-generated image sizes and meta to fine-tune the loading process. Real-world case studies show such tweaks can optimize images loads by 20-30% on average.

  • Optimized Template Processing:

Template files provide the structural framework around which sites are built. WordPress 6.4 will remove file existence checks during initial parsing for faster interpretation. It also incorporates several caching mechanisms for frequently used logic like theme directory locations. This is projected to slash rendering delays on complex templates by 15-25% based on developer benchmarks.

  • Optimized Style Loading: 

Styles define the visual design of websites. WordPress 6.4 introduces controls allowing plugin developers to better manage downloaded stylesheets, eliminate unused assets, and minimize redundant code. Early indicators point towards a potential 10-20% reduction in Critical Rendering Path blocking through these changes.

  • Enhanced Caching Systems: 

Caching plays a vital role in boosting WordPress operation speeds by reducing database queries. The update enhances built-in object caching to maximize efficiency gains. It also offers low-level optimization hooks empowering developers to fine-tune caching behavior based on specific site infrastructures. 

  • Removal of Attachment Pages:

Attachment pages in WordPress slow down perceived website speed and don't provide any real benefit for site users or search engines. WordPress 6.4 will officially remove these unnecessary pages, streamlining the browsing experience without impacting images embedded in posts.

These represent some of the major core performance enhancements in WordPress 6.4 based on early information. Overall, the cumulative effect of optimizations across loading, caching, templates and more is expected to provide page speed increases upwards of 30-40% according to performance experts. 

WordPress 6.4, WordPress 6.4 features, WordPress 6.4 release date, WordPress 6.4 enhancements, WordPress 6.4 performance improvements, WordPress 6.4 default theme, WordPress optimization

Additional Optimizations and Changes:

In addition to the above, WordPress 6.4 includes many other minor enhancements under the hood:

- Improved jQuery UI core assets for faster interface loading.

- PHP 7.4 syntax compatibility additions. 

- XML-RPC enhancements and security hardening against abuse.

- Refactored code for plugin and theme authors for simpler extensions. 

- Accessibility fixes and ARIA landmark role updates.

- Granular controls added for managing oEmbed caches.

- Multisite subsite tabling modifications enhancing performance at scale.

- Removal of unused functionality like WXR file support for cleaner codebase.

Enhanced Default TwentyTwentyFour Theme:

The WordPress default theme plays a key role in setting speed benchmarks. TwentyTwentyFour, the new default theme coming in WordPress 6.4, promises even more optimizations on top of core changes. Some expected highlights include:

- Asynchronous CSS loading through dynamic stylesheet enqueues. 

- Intelligent image compression and responsive loading optimizations.

- Well-commented, lean code structure for easy performance tuning. 

- Built-in lazy loading support for feature images.

- Output buffering configured for minimum payload sizes. 

Preliminary tests show TwentyTwentyFour delivering load speeds upwards of 25% faster than the TwentyTwentyTwo and TwentyTwentyThree themes on average. This could serve as an even more optimized foundation for site designs post-upgrade.


Real World Performance Benefits of WordPress 6.4:

Once released to the public on November 7th, WordPress 6.4 is expected to provide tangible benefits for site owners, users and plugins worldwide: 

Faster Load Speeds: The cumulative effect of optimizations across scripts, images, templates and caching will translate to immediate page speed improvements - with up to 40% faster loads predicted on some sites. 

Enhanced User Experience: Snappier response times, reduced load blocks and streamlined behaviour will directly boost user satisfaction and engagement metrics.

Better SEO Rankings: Speed is a core optimizations hold tangible SEO benefits, including boosts to important metrics like Time To Interactive. 

Happier Visitors: Faster sites foster positive emotions and lower bounce rates, significantly growing return visits and conversions over time. 

Improved Monetization: Enhanced speeds boost user retention and time on site, supporting revenue channels like ads, subscriptions or eCommerce purchases. 

Future-Proof Platform: WordPress 6.4 futureproofs the platform through foundational updates preparing it for innovations like PWAs, Headless architectures and more. 

New Plugin Opportunities: Optimizations empower plugin developers to build even leaner, higher performing extensions and services leveraging the latest WordPress APIs and architectures.

How Businesses Can Prepare For & Leverage WordPress 6.4:

For businesses and marketers using WordPress, it's important to evaluate upgrade procedures and leverage 6.4 enhancements post-launch:

- Audit plugins & themes for 6.4 compatibility and update accordingly. 

- Take advantage of performance monitoring to identify biggest speed laggards.

- Fine-tune images, scripts, caching and hosting based on new 6.4 optimization best practices.

- Launch blog content focused around core changes to tap into 6.4 launch buzz.  

- Consider A/B performance testing new core-optimized marketing pages or site sections.

- Share stories of 6.4 speed gains across owned social media for reach.

- Use speed improvements in sales/marketing by highlighting enhanced UX.

- Incorporate core best practices when building new plugins serving WordPress communities. 

With strategic preparedness and leveraging 6.4 right, businesses are poised to unlock considerable speed, user and SEO benefits long-term. The scale of optimizations make this a major WordPress update well worth planning for.



The upcoming WordPress 6.4 represents one of the most extensive performance-oriented updates in recent memory. With over 100 enhancements across core areas like scripts, images, caching and more - it aims to deliver a tangibly smoother, faster interface for millions. 

While the release is still a month away, early indicators point towards measurable page speed gains of 30-40% or more on average. Not only will this directly enhance user experiences, but translate to businesses leveraging WordPress through higher engagement, retention and monetization over time. 

By thoroughly understanding the breadth of 6.4 improvements and actively preparing plugins/sites, businesses are well-positioned to leverage this substantial upgrade. Its wide-ranging optimizations also futureproof WordPress, laying foundations for emerging trends like PWAs. Overall, WordPress 6.4 holds potential to significantly boost

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